The Shamrock Running Club is a very... creative group. We've got some very talented poets, and other people who are just very opinionated. You'll find their work on this page! Also, there are some articles about the famous Lucan Shamrock Running Club (published in the very distinguished Banner), as well as other running related articles. Enjoy!
I Run, Therefore I am Nuts - 2008 - Poem by Kelly Vivian
I Run, Therefore I am Nuts - 2007 - Poem by Kelly Vivian
Jody's Rant - Random Thoughts and Mutterings...
Click Here to read the September 19th, 2007 Shamrock Running Club article in the Banner...
Click here to read PAGE 1 of the 2008 Shamrock Running Club article in the Banner...
Click here to read PAGE 2 of the 2008 Shamrock Running Club article in the Banner...