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I Run, Therefore I am Nuts - Poem by Kelly Vivian - 2007

I Run, Therefore I am Nuts...
Written by Kelly Vivian after taking part in the Shore to Shore relay race 2007 with 10 other Shamrocks

A group of runners from a small country town
Decided to throw the gauntlet down
Lets run for miles and miles they said
They couldn't back down, once it was in their head

Port Stanley Beach on a hot sunny day
Off Brian goes - he's leading the way
He tears up the road starting our trek
Passes off to Bruce - he hits the deck

Did you see that hill - sucks to be Bruce
Oh oh where's Heather? - Better cut Kelly loose
Pass off to Gwyn - groan - an extra 4k
Don't worry so much - Heather's on her way

There goes Paula - man it's hot
Sure hope Bonnie is in the right spot
Sub in Heather - hope no one complains
All these rules can be such a pain

Run Bonnie run - you have the chip
End of Stage one - The Shamrocks have zip!!!
Welcome Terry to our crazy team
He's really thinking this is a bad dream

Stage two has begun the sun is still shining
Jody and Jen think wow the temp keeps on climbing
Both Jody and Jen have some good solid runs
Time for some rest and a whole lot of fun

Time for Jed to blaze the trail
Look at him go - he won't let the team fail
Top of the order - Run Brian run
He even looks like he's having fun

Another run for Bruce
Who cuts Heather loose
Stage two is complete
Shamrocks wont be beat!!

And now comes the night
We all have our lights
We look pretty coolish
And probably foolish

Did someone say shower or food or beer?
Well 2 out of 3 will keep us in gear
What's wrong with the stats are we really that slow?
Someone tell Bruce - he'll let them know

We start to get tired a little crusty as well
But we're still on fire oh my gosh what's that smell?
We all give great effort
Who knew Jody loved heifers?

All through the night the Shamrocks stay strong
If you think we are done - you would be wrong
More sun and heat are on the way
Looks like a perfect?? running day

The Shamrocks finish one by one
Step by hot step they get the job done
Thanks to Karen and Tori who come out to assist
Your support and encouragement were not to be missed

Into Grand Bend to end the race
Never once did we slacken our pace
Bring it all home Heather - "NOBODY passed me"
All the Shamrocks shout with glee!

Twenty seven hours and 7 minutes pass
Spent building friendships that will last and last
Thanks for everything everyone
See you on the running trails - this poem is done.

Copyright 2007 Shamrock Running Club

Tuesday, March 11, 2025