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Shamrock Running Club

2009 Annual Canada Day Lucan to Exeter or Exeter to Lucan Invitational Shamrock Half Marathon (ACDLTEOETLISHM)

The 3rd Annual Canada Day Lucan to Exeter or Exeter to Lucan Invitational Shamrock Half Marathon (ACDLTEOETLISHM) was a resounding success with 43 runners completing the trek from the Lucan Community Memorial Centre to Arnie's House in Exeter.

THANKS go out to the volunteers who devoted their Canada Day to serving eLoad, water, oranges, jujubes and jelly beans to the runners, recording the results, designing and fabricating the race medals, taking photos and video of this auspicious event, and shuttling runners back to Lucan after the post-race rehydration. And a special thanks to the Spivey's who opened up their front lawn, back lawn, space under the back deck, kitchen, living room, rec room and washrooms to 40+ sweaty runners!

Also thanks to marathon legend John Ferguson for extending an invitation to his Runner's Choice London marathon training group, making this the most well-attended ACDLTEOETLISHM yet. You're all invited back next year!

Here are the results -- sorted both by first name and also by finish time:

Results Sorted by First Name:
Runner Finish Time
Ali Adair 2:16:42
Angela Jones 2:24:56
Arlen Curtis 2:16:42
Arnie Spivey 2:17:27
Barb Isaac (part) 2:51:35
Bernie LeForte 1:55:33
Brian Murphy 1:37:50
Brian Watson 1:29:51
Bruce Empringham 1:52:43
Bruce Lamb 1:43:40
Carolyn Clarke 2:24:29
Cathy DeJong 2:35:12
Christina Watson 2:01:02
Christine Dirks 1:51:10
Cliff Cadagan 1:58:40
Deb Oke 1:44:49
Graham Morley 1:55:33
Heather 1:54:33
Hugh Pindur 1:54:25
Ian Aseltine 1:26:27
Janet Mathers 2:15:14
Janice Strickland 2:10:07
Jed DeJong 2:17:27
Jenny Lamb 1:57:10
Joanne Marks 2:24:29
Jody Durand 1:58:38
John DePutter 1:51:01
John Ferguson 1:55:33
Kelly Vivian 1:58:52
Lee Cadagan 2:11:51
Len Nieuwland 2:14:35
Mary Ondrejicka 2:06:27
Mike Blencowe 2:10:07
Nancy DePutter 2:35:12
Nancy Fulton 1:55:33
Randy Glazier 1:37:38
Rita Lewis 1:57:54
Sue Safadi 1:52:14
Ted Popma 1:51:35
Lori Kraul 2:24:41
Robbie Timmerman 1:50:35
David Lanouceur 1:55:33
Tony Van Mierlo 1:36:15
Results Sorted by Finish Time:
Runner Finish Time
Ian Aseltine 1:26:27
Brian Watson 1:29:51
Tony Van Mierlo 1:36:15
Randy Glazier 1:37:38
Brian Murphy 1:37:50
Bruce Lamb 1:43:40
Deb Oke 1:44:49
Robbie Timmerman 1:50:35
John DePutter 1:51:01
Christine Dirks 1:51:10
Ted Popma 1:51:35
Sue Safadi 1:52:14
Bruce Empringham 1:52:43
Hugh Pindur 1:54:25
Heather 1:54:33
Bernie LeForte 1:55:33
David Lanouceur 1:55:33
Graham Morley 1:55:33
John Ferguson 1:55:33
Nancy Fulton 1:55:33
Jenny Lamb 1:57:10
Rita Lewis 1:57:54
Jody Durand 1:58:38
Cliff Cadagan 1:58:40
Kelly Vivian 1:58:52
Christina Watson 2:01:02
Mary Ondrejicka 2:06:27
Janice Strickland 2:10:07
Mike Blencowe 2:10:07
Lee Cadagan 2:11:51
Len Nieuwland 2:14:35
Janet Mathers 2:15:14
Ali Adair 2:16:42
Arlen Curtis 2:16:42
Arnie Spivey 2:17:27
Jed DeJong 2:17:27
Carolyn Clarke 2:24:29
Joanne Marks 2:24:29
Lori Kraul 2:24:41
Angela Jones 2:24:56
Cathy DeJong 2:35:12
Nancy DePutter 2:35:12
Barb Isaac 2:51:35

A few special mentions in this race:

Barbara Issac, Cathy de Jong and Lori Kraul all completed their first half marathons and longest runs ever!
Jody Durand set a new personal best half marathon time of under 2 hours (1:58:38 to be exact)!
Ian Aseltine set a new ACDLTEOETLISHM record of 1:26:27, shattering Brian Watson's 2008 record time of 1:28:15 by close to 2 minutes!

Congratulations go out to all runners. Happy Canada Day!

Copyright 2007 Shamrock Running Club

Tuesday, March 11, 2025